Sometimes even the best laid plans don’t turn out as expected and you need help getting things back on track. There isn’t a scenario we haven’t encountered before when it comes to software projects gone bad.

-Do you have a project nowhere near completion that is critical to get online today?

-Have you launched a project only to find the team is missing critical skill sets?

-What about a project that was sent offshore only to find at delivery that quality is a far inferior than expected?

When things go awry, you can count on Muscovy Technology Group: our team is highly skilled at picking up projects mid-lifecycle, shoring up the code, and getting even the most wayward project back on track.


Muscovy Tech takes a thorough look at the assets of a troubled project through interviews, documentation reviews, and code execution, and then diagnoses the situation. We develop an intervention approach and project plan through a pragmatic and realistic estimate of what can be delivered, an assessment of scope changes, and delivery dates along with alternatives and associated risks.


When your business undergoes a significant change, the software supporting your business often needs changes too. Muscovy Tech safely re-engineers your applications to meet new requirements.


When a project is rescued or an application is re-engineered, Muscovy Tech can objectively examine and provide recommended improvements for processes, procedures and policies.